Entrustable Professional Activities EPAs

The Swiss Society of Cardiology SSC is a pioneer in the use of Entrustable Professional Activities EPAs to structure training in cardiology. It follows the lead of the European Society of Cardiology ESC. Accordingly, the Swiss training program in cardiology is based on the EPA-based ESC Core Curriculum.

Here you can find important information on the use of EPAs.

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions


How many assessments per EPA are required per year?

Assessents should be done frequently, there is no upper or lower limit. Think of it like a picture - the more pixles the sharper and clearer the image. An assessment is like a pixle and each contributes to the overall reliability of the entrustment extended towards the trainee. For more information read here.

How many assessments are necessary to confirm the level of competency required for board approval at the end of the training?

The SGK/SSC requires at least four assessments by four different supervisors per EPA at the required level of competency. Additionally, this needs to be summarily confirmed up to the end of training by a certified training center. If a trainee reaches the required level of competency for a certain EPA already e.g. in year 2 of cardiology training, the responsible training center can summarily confirm this.

I need to fill out the FMH Zeugnis / certificat ISFM but did not have access to the App yet. How am I to proceed?

Please use the FMH Zeugnis / certificat ISFM provided within the logbook and summarily assess your trainee at the end of the training period.

The trainee is changing to another training center. How are we to document levels of competency for the FMH Zeugnis / cerfificat ISFM?

The App allows the creation of a pdf summarizing the assessments. Please print it, have it signed and attach it to the FMH Zeugnis / certificate ISFM.

Will the prEPAred App be supported by the SIWF/ISFM?

The SIWF/ISFM supports the use of an App for assessments of EPAs. Currently several Apps are being evaluated, among these also the prEPAred App. A decision has not been taken and we do not know when this decision will be made.

Will assessments documented with prEPAred be lost if the training center or the App are changed?

No. Whatever App the SIWF/ISFM will decide on, import of data from prEPAred should be possible. Also, the assessments are linked to the trainees profile. Only the affiliation will need to be adapted with the change of the training center.

Can I do assessments of cardiology EPAs also for trainees on rotation from other medical specialities?

Yes. Assessments of EPAs are recognized as work place based assessments based on Art. 41g of the Weiterbildungsordnung WBO / Réglement pour la formation postgraduée RFP that applies to all medical specialities.

I don't have a smart phone or prEPAred cannot be used on my aged smart phone - is there an alternative?

Yes - on https://epa.prepared.app there is a Web-version with the same functionalities as in the App.

Until when can board certification be acquired according to the "old" training programm?

According to paragraph 6 of the training programm, any trainees who has completed all requirements (excluding the specialist exam) in accordance with the "old" provisions by 30. June 2027, may request the award of the title in accordance with the provisions of the "old" programm (here).